New Works

Lo Que Docents y Estudiantes Deben Saber Sobre los Medios
Hobbs, R.
Comunicacion, medios y educacion: un debate para la educacion en democracia

Understanding Teachers' Experiences with Media Literacy in the Classroom
Renee Hobbs
Visions/Revisions: Moving Forward with Media Education

Media Literacy and the K-12 Content Areas
Renee Hobbs
Media Literacy: Transforming Curriculum and Teaching

Multiple Visions of Multimedia Literacy: Emerging Areas of Synthesis
Hobbs, R.
Handbook of Literacy and Technology

Reconceptualizing Media Literacy for the Digital Age
Renee Hobbs
Literacies for learning in the digital age

Are We Our Brothers' Keepers? Exploring the social functions of reading in the life of an African American urban adolescent
Renee Hobbs
Media, learning and sites of possibility

Debates and Challenges Facing New Literacies in the 21st Century
Hobbs, R.
International Handbook of Children, Media and Culture

Introduction in Handbook of Teaching Literacy through the Visual and Communicative Arts
Renee Hobbs
Handbook of Teaching Literacy through the Visual and Communicative Arts (book)

How First Time Viewers Comprehend Editing
Renee Hobbs, Richard Frost, John Stauffer & Art Davis
Introduction to human communication: Behavior, codes and social action (Reprint Reprint of Journal of Communication article, 1988)