More than a dozen part-time summer positions are available at The Media Education Lab, which is hosting two summer programs in media literacy and technology integration for the elementary grades. The program runs July 11 - August 5, 2011 in two locations: Philadelphia (1911 Arch Street) and Radnor Township (Radnor High School).
During the program, children will be analyzing and creating mediain a number of fun, high-interest activities that build literacy, creativity, collaboration and communication skills.
Join the team that brings media literacy education to children and teachers in Philadelphia this summer!Please send email with resume to David Cooper Moore at dcoopermoore@temple.edu outlining your interest in the position. Interviews will be held beginning May 17.
Lead Instructors. We seek 10 individuals for full-time positions for the month of July, with one week of planningtime during the month of June. Instructors work directly with children on media literacy and media production activities for 4 hours in the mornings or afternoons, using one period to document their instructional practices and participate in research activities. Instructors are responsible for developing curriculum materials, providing instruction, and maintaining a responsible learning environment at alltimes. Compensation: $15/hour.
Instructors.These 5 positions are full-time for the month of June and July. Instructors will work collaboratively with lead instructors on media literacy activities with children in Grades K – 6, providing individual support for student production projects during the pre-production, production and post-production phases. The instructor position is ideal for someone with little or no teaching experience. Compensation: $9/hour.
Volunteers. These unpaid positions are available for individuals who seek to gain a deeper appreciation of media literacy in action. You'll get a chance to assist on a variety of projects during the summer.
Research Associate.One full-time position is available, contingent upon funding, to support the research component of this project. The research associate will work with the Director to develop appropriate quantitative and qualitative evidence to document learning by elementary educators. This individual will be responsible for analyzing data and writing final report. Compensation will be based on experience.
Videographer/Researcher. This individual is responsible forcreating approximately 5 short videos that document specific learning experiences at the summer institute and summer camp experience and will provide technical assistance as needed, helping with media production projects developedby children. Position runs June15 through December, 20, 2011.
To apply forthese positions, please send an email explaining your interest in the program along with a resume to David Cooper Moore, Email: dcoopermoore@temple.edu. DEADLINE: May 20, 2011. Please indicate in the subject line that you are applying for a position with the Powerful Voices for Kids program.
Timetable for Notification.
Interviews will be held in the first week of June and final decisions will be made by June 15.