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Day 4 Lesson - 300 Trailer and Contemporary Iranian Music

300 and Re-Representation

Note the similarity between this image and the Newsweek cover featured in Day 2!


Students discuss and deeply analyze the trailer for the film 300 and compare to more honorable representations of Iranians as depicted in contemporary Iranian music.


Learning Objectives

Students learn to analyze a film trailer.

Students understand that film trailers are constructed to get audiences in theaters and that much information is omitted from the trailer.

Students learn a variety of techniques for re-representing Iranian identity.

Students are introduced to contemporary Iranian music and musicians.


Time Required

4 – 5 hours


Materials Needed

Flip camera

Musician as guest speaker



1) Students will read portions (or the entirety if time permits) of an article discussing the racism inherent in Frank Miller’s film, 300: "Frank Miller's 300 and the Persistence of Accepted Racism." This article, written by Jehanzeb Dar, also cites an interview with Frank Miller in which he shares his thoughts on the Western world’s “existential foe.” Teacher will make a list of stereotypes the article suggests the film reinforces.


2) Students and teacher will then watch the trailer for the film 300 and pause frequently throughout the trailer to analyze various components, paying attention to camera angle, color palettes, wardrobe/costuming, role of women, makeup, audio, and how certain images are associated with one another or positioned adjacent to one another in the shot sequence.


3) Students will then read the lyrics for the song, “Hoviate Man” by Persian rapper, Yas. This song is a response to the film 300. Students will then watch the video/listen to the song and list all the new ideas that Yas presents about Iran and Persian culture (e.g. that Iranians are proud people, have had crowning achievements, have a long and beautiful history of poetry and literature).


4) Students will then discuss how contemporary Persian music borrows from both traditional aesthetics and from Western culture. An Iranian musician can visit the class at this point to discuss these issues in further detail and provide examples of contemporary fusion between Persian and Western music. 


5) Musician will play for the students and the students will be able to have a taste of fusion music. Students will record the musician’s performance for use in their own public service announcements.