In this session, Maria Polski discusses how media education is enhanced by the accumulative approach, positing that a modern communicator must be competent at all levels of communication: oral, written, print, visual and digital. She presents a case for optimism: a way to encourage humans to develop and maintain the cognitive skills promoted by each of the communication technologies. A reader serving this goal is discussed. The Reader is a collection of materials which gradually guides students through different cognitive skills enhanced by different technologies, and culminates in the idea of our own responsibility for our own cognitive development.
Date: Monday, April 1st, 2024
Time: 12 pm EST | 6 pm CET | 10:30 pm IST
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Maria Polski received her Ph.D. in General Philology at Moscow Lomonosov University. At East-West University, Chicago, she teaches Communication, Linguistics and Humanities. Her research interests include theory of culture (the structure, growth and selection of cultural phenomena), communication theory (the structure, growth and accumulation of communication media, and the influence of medium on audience), and practical pedagogy: creating a teachable system for undergraduates to be aware of the cognitive skills promoted by different communication technologies.
About the Article: Theoretical framework for the Reader is found in Gorman and Polski (2021) "Digital media may cultivate awareness and responsibility in users: A case for optimism". , Explorations in Media Ecology, Volume 20, Issue 3, Sep 2021, p. 337 - 353. DOI: The PDF of the current version of the Reader (work in progress) is attached; also attached is the pre-press text of Gorman and Polski (2021).
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