The Media Education Lab is making a splash at NAMLE 2015 in Philadelphia.
"Designing and Implementing Professional Development in Digital Literacy: Lessons Learned from the Media Education Lab"
Day/Time: Saturday June 27 1:45-2:45pm
Location: SALON 2
Presenters: Julie Coiro (University of Rhode Island) Rhys Daunic (The Media Spot) Yonty Friesem (University of Rhode Island, Media Education Lab) Renee Hobbs (University of Rhode Island, Media Education Lab)
"Pushing Back: Using Popular Culture and Media Literacy Strategies to Teach Drug Prevention"
Day/Time: Saturday June 27 10:15-11:15am
Location: SALON 1
Presenters: David Cooper Moore (Philadelphia-based filmmaker) Renee Hobbs (University of Rhode Island)
"Celebrating MLE Research and Praxis I"
Day/Time: Friday June 26 10:15-11:15am
Location: SALON 2
Presenters: "Transforming Teacher Education through Media Education: Transdisciplinary Participatory Action Research" Melda Yildiz (Kean University) "Quality MLE at School: Defining and Evaluating Good Practices" Damiano Felini (University of Parma, Italy) "Teacher Motivations for Digital and Media Literacy in Turkey" Renee Hobbs and Sait Tuzel (University of Rhode Island)