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Media Literacy Educators Support Net Neutrality

Media Literacy Educators Support Net Neutrality

The Media Education Lab, NAMLE and other organizations that promote learning through the use of the Internet and digital media have filed a comment to the FCC regarding the six proposed rules advanced to support nondiscrimination and transparency. These rules are necessary for students and educators to take full advantage of innovative educational practices of media literacy for a digital age.

Read our formal comment to the FCC by downloading the atached file.

Media literacy educators and the larger digital education community needs access to a wide variety of online content, which broadband service providers are currently able to block or filter. We need to transmit and access content such as videos, speeches and photos, which require large amounts of bandwidth. The only way to protect educational interests online is to prohibit content-based discriminatio. See our recent video blog about our experience visiting FCC Commissioner Clyburn. 

Transparency rules would give us what is needed to help learners understand the network management practices of service providers. The ability to understand network transmission practices through disclosure of network management practices in language that is accessible by all Internet users helps consumers and citizens. Increased transparency is consistent with both the business interests of service providers and our goals as educators.Â