Professor Amanda Missimer and Renee Hobbs offer an introduction to Nutrition Media Literacy for students at the University of Rhode Island.
Video Ant for Video Annotation
- Intructor Model:
- Group 1:
- Group 2:
- Group 3:
Nutrition Main Ideas:
- There are no bad foods
- No foods should be restricted
- Eat what you like - make your own choices - don’t be pressured by others
- Beware of “experts” outside the field of nutrition offering advice
- Use facts and information to evaluate nutritional advice
Media Literacy Main Ideas
- To attract and hold attention, media creators activate strong emotions and simplify information and ideas
- Media content that arouses anger and outrage is more likely to be shared
- False information that reinforces existing beliefs/biases/values is appealing to people
- TikTok’s platform structure with its never-ending playlist is designed to control your behavior
- Algorithms rely on reward systems to give you a glut of whatever content you watch