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Online Behavior, Real-LifeConsequences: The Unfolding Of A Social Media Scandal

Graphic of June 1 Media Club promo"Online Behavior, Real-LifeConsequences: The Unfolding Of A Social Media Scandal" episode of Hidden BrainPodcast with Shankar Vedantam

How is it that elaborate online stories are so convincing and how can we overcome a social media environment where we are expected "to be quick, clever, edgy" at our own detriment? Join us on June 1 to discuss "Online Behavior, Real-LifeConsequences: The Unfolding Of A Social Media Scandal," the September 9, 2019 episode of Hidden BrainPodcast with Shankar Vedantam. We'll be led by Fawn Canady and Gina Baleria from Sonoma State University!

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