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Donnelly, K.2007Youth Media Reporter, November 14.#Using Media, Fair Use and CopyrightJournal-Articles
Primack, B.A., Hobbs, R., Switzer, G.E., Land, S., Fine, M.F. & Gold, M.2006JanuaryJournal of Adolescent Health/sites/default/files/Associations_ML_Adolescent_Smoking_0.pdfAssociations Between Media Literacy and Adolescent SmokingJournal-ArticlesPurpose. Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the US, and 90% of adults who die from smoking begin as adolescents. Youth aged 8-18 are exposed to 81ā„2 hours of mass media daily, and such exposure is associated with increased smoking.view
Hobbs, R.2006JanuaryLearning, Media and Technology/sites/default/files/Non-optimal_video_classroom_0.pdfNon-Optimal Uses of Video in the ClassroomJournal-ArticlesThis paper examines some instructional practices concerning the non-optimal uses of video, films
and other mass media in the Kā€“12 classroom. Based on a six-year process of observing andview
Hobbs, R., Broder, S., Pope, H. & Rowe, J.2006JanuaryHealth Education Research/sites/default/files/Hobbs%2C%2520Broder%2C%2520Pope%2C%2520Rowe%2520HER%25202006_1.pdfHow Adolescent Girls Interpret Weight-Loss AdvertisingJournal-ArticlesWhile they demonstrate some ability to critically analyze the more obvious forms of deceptive weight-loss advertising, many girls do not recognize how advertising evokes emotional responses or how visual and narrative techniques are used to increase identification in weight-loss advertising.view
Primack B.A., Gold M.A., Switzer G.E., Hobbs R., Land S.R., & Fine M.J.2006JanuaryArchives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine/sites/default/files/Development_Smoking_ML_Scale_0.pdfDevelopment and Validation of a Smoking Media Literacy ScaleJournal-Articlesview
Hobbs, R.2005JanuaryArts Education Policy Review/sites/default/files/Hobbs__Strengthening_Arts_Education_Media_Literacy_0.pdfStrengthening Media Education in the Twenty-first Century: Opportunities for the State of PennsylvaniaJournal-Articlesview
Hobbs, R. 2005JanuaryJournal of Communication /sites/default/files/Hobbs%2520J%2520of%2520C%2520book%2520review%25202007_0.pdfThe State of Media Literacy EducationJournal-Articlesview
Hobbs, R.2005Educational Leadership /sites/default/files/hobbs__What_s_News__Educational_Leadership_0.pdfWhat's News?Journal-Articlesview
Renee Hobbs2004JanuaryAdvertising and Society Review #Does Media Literacy Work? An Empirical Study of Learning How to Analyze AdvertisementsJournal-Articles

Research shows how high school students strengthen literacy competencies by critically reading print adsĀ 

Hobbs, R.2004JanuaryETC: A Review of General Semantics/sites/default/files/Hobbs__Media_literacy_and_general_semantics_0.pdfMedia Literacy, General Semantics, and K-12 EducationJournal-Articlesview
Hobbs, R.2004JanuarySIMILE: Studies in Media & Information Literacy Education#Analyzing Advertising in the English Language Arts Classroom: A Quasi-Experimental Study.Journal-ArticlesStudents who learned how to critically analyze advertising as part of their Grade 11 English language arts class were compared to a demographically matched control group who did not receive such instruction.view
Renee Hobbs2004American Behavioral Scientist/sites/default/files/School-based_Initiatives_MLEducation_0.pdfA Review of School-based Initiatives in Media LiteracyJournal-ArticlesWhen teachers use videos, films,Web sites, popular music, newspapers, andmagazines in the
K-12 classroom or when they involve students in creating media productions using video
cameras or computers, they may aim to motivate studentsā€™interest in the subject, build communicationview
Hobbs, R. 2004Communication Education #Review of "The Real Thing: Doing Philosophy with Media" by Christina SladeJournal-Articlesview
Hobbs, R. 2004Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences#Literacy in the Information Age (Translation)Journal-Articlesview