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Hobbs, R. and Frost, R.2003JanuaryReading Research Quarterly/sites/default/files/Hobbs_and_Frost_RRQ_2003_0.pdfMeasuring the Acquisition of Media Literacy SkillsJournal-ArticlesStudents who participated in a required yearlong Grade 11 English media/communication course that incorporated
extensive critical media analysis of print, audio, and visual texts were compared with students from a demographicallyview
Hobbs, R.2001JanuaryReading Online#Classroom Strategies for Exploring Realism and Authenticity in Media MessagesJournal-ArticlesTeachers can improve students’ critical reading and viewing skills through interactive learning activities that make use of a wide range of nonfiction media, including film, television, print, and the Internet. Four classroom learning experiences designed to facilitate careful analysis of the ways iview
2001JanuaryVoices from the Middle #Improving Reading Comprehension by Using Media Literacy ActivitiesJournal-ArticlesRather than viewing popular culture as an enemy to the work we do in schools, Renee Hobbs challenges educators to find creative ways to build connections between kids' worlds and the work we do in classrooms.view
Hobbs, R.2001JanuarySocial Education /sites/default/files/ML_Skills_Interpreting_Tragedy_0.pdfMedia Literacy Skills: Interpreting TragedyJournal-Articlesview
Hobbs, R.2001Community Media Review#The Great Media Literacy Debates in 2001Journal-Articlesview
Renee Hobbs2001#Integrating Media Literacy into the Study of World LiteratureJournal-Articles
Hobbs, R.2000OctoberClassroom Leadership#Literacy for the Information AgeJournal-Articlesview
Hobbs, R.2000Telemedium: The Journal of Media Literacy #Research in Media LiteracyJournal-Articlesview
Hobbs, R.1999FebruaryEducational Leadership/sites/default/files/Hobbs__Teaching_the_Humanities__Ed_Leadership_0.pdfTeaching the Humanities in a Media AgeJournal-ArticlesAn innovative program helps teachers discover how to integrate media literacy concepts into high school humanities instruction. view
Hobbs, R. & Frost, R.1999JanuaryNew Jersey Journal of Communication#Instructional Practices in Media Literacy Education and Their Impact on Students' LearningJournal-Articlesview
Hobbs, R.1999January/sites/default/files/DecidingWhattoBelieve_0.pdfDeciding What to Believe in an Age of Information AbundanceJournal-Articlesview
Hobbs, R.1999The Journal of Media Literacy #People From Many Walks of Life Enrich The Media Literacy MovementJournal-Articlesview
Hobbs, R.1998JanuaryJournal of Management Development/sites/default/files/Teaching_WithAndAbout_FilmandTV_0.pdfTeaching With and About Film and TelevisionJournal-Articlesview
Hobbs, R. 1998JanuaryEnglish Journal/sites/default/files/Simpsons_Meets_Mark_Twain__Hobbs_0.pdfThe Simpsons Meet Mark Twain: Analyzing Popular Media Texts in the ClassroomJournal-Articlesview