About Aggie Ebrahimi
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Aggie Ebrahimi
MFA Student
Aggie Ebrahimi Bazazis an MFA student in Film and Media Arts at Temple University. Aggie earned anMA degree in Literature and a Certificate in Women's Studies from TheUniversity of Georgia in 2007. While at UGA, Aggie served as a researchassistant for The Civil Rights Digital Library Initiative' Freedom on Film webpage, a digital mediaproject that aims to expand and enrich Civil Rights Movement pedagogy and toaid teachers and students in reading historical news footage. This projectfueled Aggie's interest in community building and cultural consciousnessthrough media education and media production. Thus, she came to Temple to learnto put these skills and interests to greatest use. She is currently exploringher Iranian heritage through two film projects: a documentary film on identityformation among Iranian American youth, and an experimental documentary pertaining to marriage,divorce, and mothering in Iran. Aggie also designed and led a youth media workshop for Iranian American youth - sponsored by the Media Education Lab - during August 2009. This workshop aimed to promote cultural understanding of Iran through media literacy education. See the workshop's cool activities and videos on our blog, Stirring Up Identity.