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Carla Viana Coscarelli

About Carla Viana Coscarelli

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Carla Viana Coscarelli

Visiting Scholar

Dr. Carla Viana Coscarelli is a Professor at the Linguistic Studies Pos-graduation Program of the Language School at UFMG. She has a Master’s and a Doctor’s degree in Linguistic Studies at UFMG, and a Pos-doc degree in Cognitive Science at University of California, San Diego. She is a Visiting Scholar at the School of Education at URI during the academic year of 2013/2014. She was a consultant for PISA from 1999 to 2004, and she has been working with reading in digital environment since 1994. During this time, she developed research on reading hypertexts in comparison to reading printed texts, reading continuous versus reading hypertext format, reading online sites and encyclopedias, as well as reading multimodal texts (sites, infographics and interfaces). She has published 6 books on reading and digital literacy, besides chapters of books and papers for specialized journals in Brazil.

She is also the coordinator of Redigir Project (FALE/UFMG) that develops and makes available - mainly for teachers of Portuguese Language and Literature - activities working reading comprehension abilities of different genres of texts of printed and online environments. On the last five years, the activities produced focused on digital literacy and marketing literacy (media literacy), searching to develop the students’ abilities to understand the texts as well as read them critically, considering their multimodal language, their purposes and the ideological aspects they involve. Besides helping the students to develop fluency and deep reading, those activities aim to help students to be critical, conscious and, consequently, more active citizens of our society.


Curriculum Vitae:

Project Redigir:

Faculdade de Letras da UFMG: