About David Moore
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David Cooper Moore is a media literacy educator and filmmaker who teaches at YES PHILLY HIGH SCHOOL and served as a member of the Board of Directors of the National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE). David was Program Director for Powerful Voices for Kids, a program that combines a digital media literacy summer enrichment program within-school mentoring, teacher education, and technology integration components. Moore helped develop media literacy projects and productions with PBS Teachers, the Center for Social Media, Drug Free PA, and the Girl Scouts of America in topics including digital citizenship and civic responsibility,public health, and fair use in K-12 education. He also has taught media production to a variety of age groups including K-12 and undergraduate students. David worked with the lab on videos and curricula for thePBS Elections curriculum, Access, Analyze, Act: a Blueprint for 21st Century Civic Engagement. David blogs on education, media and technology issues at DavidCooperMoore.com