About Maria Ranieri
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Journal of Media Literacy Education
Maria Ranieri, PhD, is a Professor of Education, Media and Technology the University of Florence, Italy, specializing in the theory and methodology of media and technology in education. She has worked on and coordinated a number of European research projects on media, learning, technology and social inclusion, including e-Engagement against Violence (2012-14) and Media Education for Equity and Tolerance (2016- 2019). She is the author of the toolkit Media & Digital Literacy Education. A Teacher’s Guide which provides teachers with learning resources suitable for use in the classroom. She has published more than two hundred papers and chapters, and ten volumes. She has edited Populism, Media and Education: Challenging Discrimination in Contemporary Digital Societies (Routledge, 2016). She is the chair of the European Conference on “Social Justice, Media & Technology in Teacher Education”, ATEE Spring Conference, Florence (IT), 20th – 22nd May, 2020. Maria is the Vice-President of the Italian Association of Media Education and the co-editor of Media Education: Studies, Research and Good Practices & the Journal of Media Literacy Education. She is Associate Editor of The International Encyclopedia of Media Literacy (John Wiley & Sons, 2019).
Contact: e-mail: maria.ranieri@unifi.it