About Markéta Supa
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Charles University
About Marketa Zezulkova. Marketa is an early career researcher who works primarily as an Assistant Professor in the Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism at Charles University (Czech Rep.). In addition, she is an External Lecturer at the Department of Media Studies at Metropolitan University in Prague, an External Researcher at the Centre for Excellence in Learning at Bournemouth University (UK), and the Insights Specialist at the advertising agency Zaraguza. She is an Assistant Editor of Media Education Research Journal published by Auteur and a Fellow of Higher Education Academy (HEA). Marketa has been involved in several EU and UN media education initiatives such as EMEDUS, European Media Observatory’s media literacy studies, and UNESCO’s Media Literacy meetings. She leads the organisation of the Youth Media Education Summit, convened by the Centre for Excellence in Media Practice (CEMP) alongside the annual Media Education Summit, and she co-organises the Czech Senate’s Seminar Series on Media Literacy (2017-2018). As a Visiting Scholar Marketa has joined a number of universities and research centres in Europe, Asia, Latin America, and USA, among which was the Media Education Lab in November 2012. She has then become our Affiliated Faculty member in July 2017.
Research. Her main interest is in intercultural and interdisciplinary research exploring pre-school and primary school children’s media learning and experience both in- and out-of- school. In particular, she focuses on holistic, hermeneutic and dialogic current and future media experiences and learning from philosophical, research, education, and practice orientated viewpoints. Her doctoral thesis “Whole Person Hermeneutic Media Learning: An International Grounded Philosophy” (supervised by Richard Berger and Jenny Moon, examined by Jackie Marsh and John Potter) was awarded 'highly commended prize 2016' by British Educational Research Association (BERA). Marketa co-led the “Mapping Media Literacy in the Czech Republic among the Population Under and Above 15 Years of Age” studies requested by the Council of Radio and TV Broadcasting in 2016. For an example of her work see “What ‘children’ experience and ‘adults’ may overlook: phenomenological approaches to media practice, education and research” (Woodfall & Zezulkova 2016) published in the Journal of Children and Media’s 10th Anniversary Special Issue. Marketa’s latest research, now supported by the Labsters, focuses on media literacy in the life and education of culturally disadvantaged children. This research draws upon an initial pilot study conducted with Czech Roma families in 2016 and funded by the ISCH COST Action IS1410: The digital literacy and multimodal practices of young children (DigiLitEY)’s STSM award.