About Usha Raman
Back to TeamUsha Raman is Professor, Department of Communication, University of Hyderabad. Her academic interests span journalism pedagogy, cultural studies of science, health communication, children's media, feminist media studies, and digital cultures. Before joining the University, she headed the communications department at L V Prasad Eye Institute. In addition to several journal articles and book chapters, she writes regularly for the popular media on issues related to health, gender and education. She currently is a columnist for The Hindu, and edits a monthly magazine for school teachers, called Teacher Plus. Usha received her doctorate in mass communication from the University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA, in 1996. She has been a visiting fellow at the University of Sydney (Australia), MIT (USA) and University of Bremen (Germany). Most recently, her work has focused on civic engagement and digital social networks, and feminist digital methodologies. She is co-founder of the IDRC funded initiative FemLabCo, which explores the future of women’s work. She is currently serving as the Vice President of the International Association for Media and Communication Research.