Read here about our full webinar series on AI in the Classroom
In this third webinar, we will explore some of the AI impacts and issues relating to media literacy. Many of us are educators (in schools and communities, and among our peers) who strive to inform others about the aspects of media literacy. In 2023, a key part of the media
landscape is AI (an algorithms), and this impacts media industries and users in a myriad of ways. However, an important first step is to explore the question: What do we need to know? More specifically, in this session we will explore together what it means to be literate about AI and what should be a part of a media literacy curriculum to build this literacy. What key questions do today’s learners need to ask about media to get at AI? We will leave with specific learning objectives for AI literacy.
DAY: Thursday, May 4th, 2023
Pamela L. Morris
Pamela L. Morris is an Associate Professor of Communication Studies at Indiana University - Columbus who specializes in media studies and new media. She received her Ph.D. in Communication from Purdue University in Media, Technology, and Society. Prior to entering higher education, Dr. Morris studied computer science and worked as a programmer and certified project manager in IT. Her primary research interests include new media, media law, and the uses and effects of technology on communication processes. She particularly enjoys teaching and is passionate about media literacy education and advocates for media literacy as a key to a fair, compassionate, and informed world.
Scott Moss
Scott Moss is a doctoral candidate in UCLA’s Educational Leadership Program. He works as an Instructional Technology Outreach Coordinator at the Los Angeles County Office of Education.
This series will explore our understanding of AI literacy and the impacts of AI on media education by discussing the benefits and challenges brought on by AI’s growing presence in the classroom.
What are the impacts of AI in education and media literacy? Should we use AI in the classroom? What does it mean to be AI-literate?
This new AI webinar series from the Media Education Lab explores the potential range of affordances and challenges associated with AI and its implementation as a tool for media education. In particular, the webinars will discuss the use of AI to enhance or hinder the educational experience, the impact of AI on teaching and learning, and the implications of AI-driven technologies such as search engines, chats, images, and videos. The discussion will delve into the ethical implications of AI in media education, including issues of privacy, data security, and copyrights. As part of each session, the webinar series will provide practical advice for educators on how we can best utilize AI in the classroom.
Disclosure: This description was edited from a result on’s AI-chat
For more information or if you wish to present in this series, please contact:
Jocelyn Young, Webinar Series Manager |
Devina Sarwatay, Webinar Series Manager |