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Be a VISTA Volunteer for the Media Education Lab

A national service opportunity for media literacy educationkid media

Join our team!  Develop your expertise in media literacy education through the Americorps CTC Vista Volunteer Program and work with a team at the Media Education Lab during the 2009-2010 year. You will develop, implement and assess lesson plans and activities that strengthen "active reasoning" skills of children in response to media and technology, building upon and extending the impact of our faculty development program and summer media literacy camp. The entire program is developed with an intensive research component, where lessons and activities will be carefully tested through a process of formative and summative evaluation.

Eligibility and Qualifications: Any US citizen or legal resident 18 years of age or older is eligible to become a VISTA. Strong oral and written communications skills, comfort with media/technology, good collaboration/teamwork skills, familiarity with media literacy education, and an interest in working with children in an urban elementary setting is required.

The big picture: The CTC Vista program is "the domestic Peace Corps." It is national service. It is community service. It is a chance to take on a project that will have a lasting impact; to develop needed community resources. One of the most attractive things about being a VISTA is that you have the opportunity to make a very measurable impact in a very specific period of time.

Benefits:  VISTA volunteers receive a modest living allowance stipend of $11,000 for 9 months. They receive either a $1200 cash stipend or $4725 education award at the completion of service. The education award can be used to pay for tuition at many universities or to pay off student loans. Most student loans can be deferred during service. Basic health insurance coverage is provided. CTC VISTAs attend a national media or technology conference. VISTAs benefit from the ongoing support of a network of 50 VISTAs working on media and technology projects across the country. You will have the opportunity  to audit graduate-level courses in media literacy at Temple University.

To apply: CTC VISTA Program Online Application


Feature Summary
Be a VISTA  Volunteer for Media Literacy
Education keywords
Media keywords
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