Did you know that critical listening was an important part of early media literacy in K-12 and higher education curricula from the early-to-mid 20th century? During this era, educators attempted to teach listening through new educational technologies, such as the radio. Long ago, educators sought to understand the role of listening in teaching and learning through research, scholarly articles, and textbooks. They also made efforts to inform businesses about the crucial role of listening for effective communication.
Is listening under-represented in 21st century US education and pedagogy? How can understanding the history of listening in the context of educational media and media literacy help teachers, researchers, and policymakers promote civic education and deliberative dialogue in an era with increased partisan antipathy, political polarization, and distrust in media and big tech? Join us for a lively discussion on the history of critical listening in American education and strategies for cultivating listening in K-12 and college contexts.
DATE: Monday, March 20, 2023
TIME: 12 - 1 PM EST
LOCATION. Free and online. Click here to register.Â
Brian C. Gregory, Ed.D., is an Assistant Professor of Media and Communication at St. Francis College. Brian’s research interests include radio production and history, sound studies, and educational technologies. He currently has a book under contract with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Press entitled Listening, Sound Technologies, and the Battle for an Educated Democracy 1900–1956, slated for publication in 2024. Brian is the founding faculty member for SFC Radio, a student-run online radio station. Email: bgregory2013@sfc.edu. Learn more about Brian’s research in his recent article, “Developing Critical Listening”: Educational Radio and Early Media Literacy, 1933–1949,” published in Resonance: The Journal of Sound and Culture (Fall 2022).