Renee Hobbs welcomed more than 75 faculty to the first-ever Harrington School of Communication and Media faculty meeting at the URI Club on Friday, February 24, 2012. Key points emhasized:Â
WHY THE TIME IS RIGHT. Rapid changes in the nature of knowledge production, digital tchnologies, and the rise of celebrity culture make it imperative that all students have the critical thinking and collaborative communication skills needed to thrive.Â
DEVELOPING A VISION. We reviewed a draft vision statement that articulates our community values and ambitions.
CHARTING THE COURSE. We worked in eight small groups to discuss priorities for building the Harrington School of Communication and Media. These include: curriculum renewal, local and global communities, new digital literacies, sustainability and environmental communication, graduate education, experential and online learning, student media production, marketing and visibility, student career services, and community outeach. Â