Medialogues is an online Professional Learning Community designed to advance the quality of media literacy education by developing the knowledge, confidence, and leadership skills of German, American and global teachers and teacher educators.
DATE: Tuesday, January 25, 2022
TIME: 18:00 PM CET / 12:00 PM EST
LOCATION. Online. Click here to register.
In this online professional learning community, we offer peer-to-peer collaboration plus individualized coaching for teachers and teacher educators interested in digital and media literacy education. You can learn more about the program by reviewing the Google Slide Deck. Indicate your interest in participating by completing the Interest Survey.
Learn more about The Power of Two here:
Free Online Webinars + Professional Learning Community
In the program, participants will experience collaborative professionalism as they construct a community of learners built on collegial solidarity, candid, thoughtful feedback, and collective responsibility. Through a variety of online programs and workshops in Zoom along with ongoing asynchronous learning experiences, participants will gain confidence in teaching with media literacy pedagogies. We'll explore topics including contemporary propaganda, disinformation, conspiracy theories, and algorithmic personalization. With individualized coaching and support, participants will deepen their understanding of how to integrate media literacy concepts and pedagogy into their curriculum.
The Media Education and Educational Technology Lab is the University of Wuerzburg's school and media pedagogical lab for research and teaching. It focuses on aspects of teaching and learning with and about digital media in school as well as in teacher education from a pedagogical, technical, interdisciplinary and international comparative perspective.
The Media Education Lab at the University of Rhode Island advances the quallity of digital and media literacy education through scholarship and community service. With its vibrant online learning community, it is the largest provider of professional development in media literacy in the United States, offering a year-round professional development events, teaching resources, and research publications.
Media Literacy Now is a non-profit organization devoted to advancing media literacy in the United States. This organization serves as the fiscal agent for this project.
The U.S. Embassy Berlin, Public Affairs Section (PAS) supports this project which is designed to showcase cutting-edge approaches to foster increased media literacy with participating German audiences. using an interdisciplinary and international comparative perspective.