This session brings together six experts in video production to discuss the advantages and challenges of bringing video production into educational contexts to promote the democratization of education in the digital age. Participants on the panel will learn about the history of video production in education and current uses in school and out of school with/by children and adolescents. The four case studies will uncover the benefits of using video production to promote academic, social, and emotional skills. In addition, the presenters will share the limitations and barriers to advance democratic discussion and inclusion by using video production. The diverse cases and panelists will challenge traditional approaches to democratic education and will offer new lenses for future applications.
Yonty Friesem: Video Production to Advance Inclusion in Schools
Diane Watt: DIY Citizenship in Action: Muslim Female YouTubers Speak Back
Frank LoMotte: Student Voice and School Authority
Kelsey Greene: Finding Common Ground: The Mediation of Foster Youths' Video Production
Renee Hobbs, Chair
Steve Goodman, DiscussantÂ