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Media Savvy: Identifying Propaganda

Propaganda comes in many forms: advertising, public relations, journalism, political communication, activism, entertainment and even education. Disinformation, fake news, memes and algorithms are changing how public opinion is manipulated today. How can you navigate the increasingly fine lines between truth and bias?

Join Seekonk Public Library for this virtual program to learn how to recognize, understand, resist, deconstruct and even create propaganda in our digital age. This program is sponsored by Southeastern MA Huddle and free and open to the public.

DATE: Wednesday, March 24


LOCATION: Online. Click here to register


Pam Steager is a Senior Trainer, Researcher and Writer with the URI Media Education Lab. She directed the Media SmART! Project in the Providence Public Schools, bringing media literacy and production education to educators, parents and students. Pam is an in-demand speaker globally and has performed as an actress, storyteller, and stand-up comedian.