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MediaEd Forum

MediaEd Forum

Friday, January 10, 2025

Conference starts at 8am PST | 11am ET | 4pm GMT | 6pm GMT+2 | 9:30pm IST | 2am (Sat 01.11) AEST      

PST 8am 

EST 11am 

GMT 4pm 

GMT+2 6pm 

IST ​​​​​​​ 9:30pm


(Sat 01.11) 

AEST 2am

Opening Session: Times of Crisis, Media Literacy, & AI 

Join our growing community of learners discussing AI and media literacy. In this online plenary session, we will meet the organizers and the participants to learn from each other using various interactive online activities to introduce the speakers and innovative session formats. Not only will you make new colleagues from all over the globe, but you will be able to better understand what sessions you want to participate in. 

NOTE: If you miss a session, the videos will be available at the end of each day via Zoom Cloud Recordings.

Session A
Session B

PST 10am 

​​​​​​​EST 1pm 

GMT 6pm 

GMT+2 8pm 

IST ​​​​​​​ 11:30pm



(Sat 01.11)

 AEST 4am

Strand: AI in K12

AI Teaching & Learning: The ERASMUS+ TaLAI Project



Peter Weber & Susmita Rudra

Strand: Global Media Literacy

EDMO Guidelines 



Vitor Tomé, Igor Kanižaj and Chloé Pété


PST 12pm ​​​​​​​

EST 3pm 

GMT 8pm 

GMT+2 10pm 



(Sat 01.11) 

IST ​​​​​​​ 1:30am

AEST 6am

Strand: Global Media Literacy

Media Literacy in Mingrants’ eyes


Jiwon Yoon, David González Hernández, & Çiğdem Bozdağ



Strand: MediaEd Dialogues

Overcoming media trauma through media literacy in Ukraine  



Maryna Dorosh, Olena Taranenko & Daiana Iskander

PST 2pm ​​​​​​​

EST 5pm 

GMT 10pm 

GMT+2 0am



(Sat 01.11) 

IST ​​​​​​​ 3:30am 

AEST 8am

Strand: AI in K12 
The Future of AI in K-12 Education




 Sue Thotz & Rudy Escobar

Strand:  Boomers




Janet Ferguson & Walt Jacobs

PST 4pm ​​​​​​​

EST 7pm 

GMT 0am 



(Sat 01.11) 

GMT+2 2am

IST ​​​​​​​ 5:30am 

AEST 10am

Strand: AI in K12 
AI, Media Literacy & Computer Science



Kelly Mendoza & Derek Baird

Strand: Boomers

Addressing everyday experiences with misinformation



Tanya Notley

Conference day ends at 6pm PST | 8pm EST | 
on Jan 11th 2am GMT | 4am GMT+2 | 7:30am IST | 12pm AEST 


Saturday January 11, 2025

Conference starts at 6am PST | 9am ET | 2pm GMT | 4pm GMT+2 | 7:30pm IST | (Sun 01.12) 12am AEST

Session A
Session B

PST 6am 

​​​​​​​EST 9am 

GMT 2pm 

GMT+2 4pm 

IST ​​​​​​​ 7:30pm


(Sun 01.12)

AEST 12am

Strand: Global Media Literacy

Digital nutrition



Donna Chu


Strand: Boomers

Promoting older people’s media literacy 



Päivi Rasi-Heikkinen


PST 8am 

​​​​​​​EST 11am 

GMT 4pm 

GMT+2 6pm 

IST ​​​​​​​ 9:30pm


(Sun 01.12)

AEST 2am

Strand: MediaEd Dialogues

Join us for a participant-driven dialogue. 



Pam Steager

Strand: Global Media Literacy

Nexus: Learning from documentaries



Isabel Minguillón

PST 10am 

​​​​​​​EST 1pm 

GMT 6pm 

GMT+2 8pm 

IST ​​​​​​​ 11:30pm


(Sun 01.12)

AEST 4am

Strand: AI in K12 

Building AI educational tools



Jason Neiffer & Dana Thompson




Strand: Boomers 

MIL in the current era




 Faith Rogow & Phil Nichols


PST 12pm 

​​​​​​​EST 3pm 

GMT 8pm 

GMT+2 10pm 


(Sun 01.12)

IST ​​​​​​​ 1:30pm

AEST 6am

Closing Session

Strand: MediaEd Dialogues

Join us for a participant-driven dialogue. 



Renee Hobbs

Conference ends at 2pm PST | 5pm EST | 10pm GMT | 12am GMT+2 |​​​​​​​ on Jan 12 1:30pm IST |  8 am AEST