Program Structure
The Summer Institute in Digital Literacy is a hands-on, minds-on experience, not like any conference you have ever attended.
Morning Warm Up to Creative Collaboration. We'll begin each day with engaging creative and collaborative activities that will deepen your relationships with faculty and participants and get your creative juices flowing.
Looking Up and Out Keynote Presentations and Digging Deeper Sessions. Mornings at the Institute will will include inspirational and informational keynote presentations and follow-up extended learning and discussion for digging deeper. Topics for the week are as follows:
Digging Deeper: Applying Digital Pedagogy in Practice
Digging Deeper: TO BE ANNOUNCED
Digging Deeper: Exploring Creative Synthesis and Production (Rhys Daunic)
Cool Tool Workshop Sessions. Get plenty of hands-on learning-by-doing, choosing from a range of hands-on workshops where you explore technologies for learning including the following:
Hot Topic Roundtable Sessions. Discuss larger issues surrounding the changing nature
of literacy in a digital age while engaging with classroom teachers, community
media makers, and researchers from around the world.
Tuesday Inquiry and Online Reading
Wednesday Authorship & Making as Learning
Design Studio. Work with others toward creating a creative multimedia project and/or innovative instructional plan that incorporates interdisciplinary content and new literacies prompted by emerging technologies. At the end of the week, share your plans and projects in an exciting gallery walk with the whole group and plan your next steps.
Daily Reflections. We discover new insights about ourselves as learners and teachers and share our reflections in an informal de-briefing.