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Media Club - Arab Berlin: Dynamics of Transformation

In this Media Club Hanan Badr will talk about the co-edited book Arab Berlin: Dynamics of a Transformation. Returning the gaze into transformations in Western societies, the Media Club revisits the interpretations of contemporary transformations in Berlin which vary depending on the areas in which they take place. This book’s epistemic and critical intersectional position is on the margins. Located within the critical literature on migration in Germany, this book neither romanticizes Berlin nor serves as a tourism brochure. It explores the discourses on media and diversity by centering real power inequalities and exclusion in a city that has the image of being a multicultural bastion of freedom.

Date: Monday, September 11th, 2023

Time: 12PM EST/ 7PM CET/ 9:30PM IST

Location: Register here for the Media Club session

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Hanan Badr is Full Professor at the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Salzburg, Austria, and is Kluge Fellow at the Library of Congress. Her work investigates the dynamics between activism, journalism and power, considering digitalization and globalization as transformative processes. Hanan had studied and worked in Cairo, Erfurt, Beirut and Berlin.  She is Associate Editor at Journal of Communication and Chair for the ICA Interest Group Activism, Communication and Social Justice.

University of Salzburg



About the BookArab Berlin: Dynamics of Transformation is Hanan's most recent co-edited book volume, together with Nahed Samour. It is a transdisplinary work that intersects with media studies, urban studies and diasporic and migration studies. Berlin is increasingly emerging as a hub of Arab intellectual life in Europe. In this first study of Arab culture to zoom in on the thriving metropolis, the contributors shed light on the dynamics of transformation with Arabs as agents, subjects, and objects of change in the spheres of politics, society and history, gender, demographics and migration, media and culture, and education and research. The kaleidoscopic character of the collection, embracing academic articles, essays, interviews and photos, reflects critical encounters in Berlin. It brings together authors from inter- and multidisciplinary fields and backgrounds and invites the readers into a much-needed conversation on contemporary transformations. The book highlights the role of media and journalism in a diasporic community and how it contributes to the public sphere.

Hanan Badr will focus on the introduction chapter "Arab Berlin – Ambivalent Tales of a City"  that argues for contradicting dynamics of transformation in Berlin. It also highlights her co-authored chapter, based on a photographic exhibition together with photographer Eman Helal Biographies in motion that tells the stories of the diasporic Arab intellectuals after the Arab Uprisings. You can find more details in the book Here

This publication was supported as a part of the Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA) research project “Arab Perspectives on Transfor- mation in Berlin”.The project was funded by the Berlin Senate Chancellery – Higher Education and Research Berlin as part of the overall project “AGYA – Global Berlin in the 21st Century”, and it was hosted at the Law & Society Institute, Humboldt University Berlin.



Please get in touch with us if you want to host future Media Club meetings to discuss a cool book, podcast, video or any media related to our interests.

Jocelyn Young, Webinar Series Manager |

Devina Sarwatay, Webinar Series Manager |