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STAND Lesson 4: Understand The Concept Of Target Audience

Advertisements are increasingly using a rifle instead of the shotgun approach." 

--J. Thomas Russell and Ronald Lane, Kleppner's Advertising Procedure, 11th edition 


This quote is referring to advertisers' interest in aiming their messages at specific types of audiences, instead of designing one message that appeals to everyone. Invite students to interpret this quote from an introductory textbook on advertising. Why is a metaphor used here? In what ways is this metaphor appropriate or inappropriate? Are there ads that appeal to everyone?


Tape record two different channels at two different times of the day, or assign this task to a team of students. Then use a sample of ads from these tape to explore the concept of target audience. Then use the form below with any sample of advertising and watch one ad at a time. Ask students to fill out the worksheet. Discuss the similarities and differences in the inferences students make about the target audience for particular ads. A target audience is a group of people who can be identified by some common characteristic, interest, or problem. For each commercial you watch, write down your educated guess about the specific characteristics of the audience.