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Your favorite community to discuss thought-provoking media!

It was at the 2018 Summer Institute in Digital Literacy that this seed of an idea was sown when we decided to have a monthly meeting to discuss compelling books, podcasts, videos or any media related to our interests.

Micro-Credentials: Anytime Learning  

As we reimagine online education, we are partnering with Pathwright to offer a new online Anytime (asynchronous) learning experience on key topics at the cutting edge of media education. 


Watch this video to see the details of the program


Keynote Speakers & Social Events

Each Wednesday, join us for inspiring real time (synchronous) keynotes and conversations!

Thirty years ago, Renee Hobbs launched the Harvard Institute on Media Education, which was the first national-level teacher education program on media literacy education. In 1998, she collaborated with Elizabeth Thoman to bring the Felton Media Literacy Scholars program to Boston. This leadership development program in media literacy included some distinguished graduates including Mary Hess, Stephanie Flores-Koulish, and Pam Steager. 


A 6-Week Deep Dive Professional Program for Emerging and Established Leaders

Building upon the success of the University of Rhode Island's Summer Institute in Digital Literacy (SIDL), we are thrilled to offer a new approach to online professional learning experience for educators who want to advance their expertise in media literacy education -- but also need the flexibility and low cost of online learning.