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Dawn Belair earns her Media Literacy Badge

Congratulations to Dawn Belair, an English teacher from Concord, New Hampshire! After participating in the Media Education Lab webinars, she has earned her media literacy badge. We love teachers who are lifelong learners and our learning community is designed especially for creative teachers like Dawn. Learn how to earn your own Media Literacy Badge.

Dave Jablonsky is a high school ESL, Social Studies, and Media Studies teacher on the southwest side of Chicago.  He also serves as his school’s English Language Program Teacher, Student Voice Committee facilitator, and civic engagement coordinator.  He is particularly interested in exploring the effects of digital media on culture, misinformation, and reading comprehension. He received his Masters in Literacy Education in 2015.

When our team faced the Twitter storm in response to my impulsive photo sharing, Julie Coiro and I got together to reflect on our ongoing commitment to social justice. We acknowledged the need to do more. We benefitted from the feedback we received.

As we reflected on our 9-year journey together to build a robust learning community, we acknowledge that the efforts we are making are small ones. Much is still needed to address the profound inequalities that are present in schools and society.

Yesterday, after a great planning meeting of the Summer Institute faculty, I spontaneously tweeted out a thank you to the team, showcasing their photos in a tweet. Within minutes, I received feedback that my communication was interpreted as evidence of a lack of diversity and inclusiveness. Many people sent disapproving and shaming messages to me and the Summer Institute faculty, telling me that my visual depiction was not OK.

A Look at how The New York Times Writes about Propaganda

It’s a term that’s so unfamiliar to the public that news organizations placed it in single quotes. Speaking at the National Archives, President Donald Trump called for ‘patriotic education’ and proposed the formation of a new commission to restore it to our schools. On the political stump, less than 2 months before the election, Trump was speaking on the topic of historic monuments that have been dismantled.